MSc in Integrative Ecosocial Design
Gaia University

Richard Kühnel

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Analysis & Design


I did not think that after delivering the survey output the effort I need to make would increase, but it did. The following summarizes what has been challenging:

  • The need to balance the design work with actual implementation work. Going forth and back between the two I found at times quite difficult, actually frustrating.
  • The one thing that suffered was time spent on making design drawings.
  • The time spent in producing this output was too long.
  • It feels as if I am not learning enough of what I want to learn.
  • The action learning group, as set up originally, does not really work in the way we organize ourselves. I did not yet have the time and energy to build my own support group or find allies.
  • I am getting a little bit burned out and overtired. Even time spent on my personal work is cut short. Not something I want to continue for a long time. What, after all, is this about? Growing as a human being, manifesting all the good in our hearts and spirit in our lives and in the world in a sustainable way, which includes taking care of our health and inner needs.
  • I could not believe that a whole day was not enough to go through the material on outputs!

And a lot is going well:

  • The support from Berta is incredible and amazing. I am very grateful for it and without it - well, lets not go there. Thank you, Berta!
  • I am finding to be capable of learning and coping with a lot in a short time even when stretched close to my limits.
  • We started actually implementing! This is so exciting! After years of thinking and a few months in this IESD program, it is happening!
  • Helpers, the finances and other resources seem in place.
  • We have our first neighbors' potluck ever since we live here.
  • It was easier to produce some parts of this output as I had started with collecting and working on material during the design phase - action and thought went even more hand in hand.
  • I am quite happy with the system I developed for the project plan.
  • Forming of ideas around a concept I am calling "Incremental design", which just recently reminded me again of a software design method called "Extreme Programming", mentioned in the survey.
  • I am thankful that Shaktari was able to catch up with reviewing my career review and survey outputs. The very positive feedback on both really helps a lot to continue to make the best effort I can make.
  • I am glad I am working with a mentor now.
  • I have been using FreeMind as the new mind-mapping tool and I have also started using Moodle for my output work.
  • Using mind mapping is getting easier and easier.
Evaluation Form

Here is my self-evaluation for the design output for downloading.

Learning Expectations Outlook

I am asking myself how am I doing in reaching my learning goals as stated in the survey portion of this web site:

  • Most of the learning goals that require reading and research, like what ecosocial design is or what disciplines it will contain, will basically be postponed until after finishing my IESD program. I did not really expect otherwise.
  • I am seeing the beginnings of the social design efforts influencing this project and making it part of the community. Some friends of ours stopping by and asking questions or pointing out resources and offering help or wanting to be informed or involved.
  • It looks as if I will not be able to go too far with learning more how to use CAD programs during the time of this program.
  • By doing more hand drawing and sketching, something I have been wanting for a long time, I am finding out that I want to learn more about it.
  • Just realized - I am really putting together my first complex project in ecosocial design. Wow!
  • High expectations are good, as is great flexibility.
Next Steps

The next steps I want to take:

  • Throw myself fully into implementation, do more drawing and having fun!
  • Integrating the feedback Shaktari has provided to the survey output.
  • Finding more allies
  • Refocus and spend a little more time for myself.
  • Find a better way to create the next two outputs, implementation 1 and 2.
  • Ask Noah to help me with making drawings.
  • Catch up documenting with what implementation already has been done.
  • Use Moodle more fully for the next outputs if possible.
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