MSc in Integrative Ecosocial Design
Gaia University

Richard Kühnel

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Final Review

Creating this output took me longer than I had expected. It is more than just compiling previously written material. I also wanted to make it look attractive by adding more links and media other than text, which took more time.

I gained a few new insights. I had done a lot of processing and reviewing of each phase when producing the respective output. My main concern while working on this output was the thought: How can I do this so that an external reviewer will get an overview of the whole project when this is the only output they will review? I hope my approach to this is at least partly successful. I originally chose producing everything in a web site format, which added a whole additional layer on to the process of output creation, which is now useful for a reviewer to be able to easily browse the whole portfolio using links or the navigation. This output was produced in a series of days, starting with a mind map.


Here some of the difficulties I encountered during this phase:

  • Although this output is also a review of existing material, I found it quite difficult to find the right format for the Initial Learning Plan. All the goals, expectations and needs of learning are spread out in several different places and also include several personal development components.
  • We did not work on all the "cool" things this year, like solar panels, cob bench, rainwater collection, etc.
  • For some portion of working on this output I did not feel as enthusiastic as usually. I am not quite sure why that is, but it might have to do with feeling like rehashing a lot of "old" material and nothing "new". As the work continued this started to change and I started to enjoy working on it and tried to make access to the work in a user friendly way.
  • The sketchy mentor situation, and the lack of adequate feedback from peers and experts have not been resolved. I know this is my responsibility and I will need to look at this closely in the future.
  • I am a little behind with implementation. The front yard is not quite ready and the porch is not ready at all.
What is going well?
  • I did not need to concentrate on many other things for a few days, which really reduced my stress level; no implementation, no helpers, no contractors. Except collecting the hundreds of pears and harvesting produce I could focus on this output.
  • More people have come by and commented on what they noticed. Since I added the clay brick path from the sidewalk to the house I got great feedback how well it looks.
  • Finishing this output almost in time and having been able to catch up after being quite a bit behind makes me feel good and thankful.
Evaluation Form

Here is my self-evaluation for the output of the second part of the implementation for downloading.

Next Steps

The next steps I want to take:

  • Book a flight to Tennessee!
  • Complete the North part of the driveway.
  • Think about the presentation of this work for the closing workshop and what I want to do for the graduation.
  • Finish the unenclosed porch and the front yard.
  • Catch up with work for my clients.
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